Your Tuolumne Group ExCom Needs You!

Seeking catharsis in a COVID world? Looking for ways to express your concern and activism, beyond the limited reach of social media? Searching for a way to put your mind, energy, and talents to work for a worthy effort? Our Tuolumne Group’s Executive Committee is in desperate need of new members who are interested in participating in activism on local and state issues, and joining a larger conversation on environmental threats in our region. The Executive Committee (ExCom) is a small group of Tuolumne and Calaveras County Sierra Club members who share a love of this place where we live, and who volunteer to manage and direct the activities of our local Tuolumne group.

ExCom members meet monthly (currently via Zoom), to monitor local environmental issues, plan and host public presentations, plan outings, coordinate our newsletter, and in general ensure that the group operates for the benefit of the local environment. Meetings are fun, informative, and engaging. There is so much going on right now. Large, unsustainable developments threaten to overwhelm the Highway 120 corridor to Yosemite National Park. The threat of wildfire and its impacts in our region is touching all of us, and the health of our rivers and watersheds is under constant threat.

If you care about these things, we welcome you to join our ExCom group. The importance of connecting with the natural world has never been more clear. Our robust outings group has been organizing weekly hikes for over 35 years!  Our trip leaders know the region by heart, and where the best hikes can be found every time of year. We’re looking for new outings leaders to allow for a more varied program.

ExCom members can participate in a number of areas. You decide the amount of time and effort you can give. Find ways to plug your talents and interests into the mix, all with the knowledge that you are contributing to efforts to protect the earth in a time of great need. We are reaching out to the environmentalists of the future. Your vision and energy can help shape the direction and focus of our Tuolumne Group in years to come.

To learn more about how you can participate in the efforts of our local Sierra Club Group, contact our membership chair, Elaine Hagen, at